
M49 Code


Countries in this Geographical Region

There are 5 unique countries, territories, and/or sovereign states in this geographic region.

ISO 3166: FJ
Policy Maker: Attorney-General's Chambers
Spectrum Regulator: Attorney-General's Chambers
ISO 3166: NC
Policy Maker: New Caledonia Postal and Telecommunications Services
Spectrum Regulator: New Caledonia Postal and Telecommunications Services
ISO 3166: PG
Policy Maker: Ministry of Communication and Information Technology
Spectrum Regulator: National Information & Communications Technology Authority (NICTA)
ISO 3166: SB
Policy Maker: Ministry of Communication and Aviation
Spectrum Regulator: Telecommunications Commission of the Solomon Islands (TCSI)
ISO 3166: VU
Policy Maker: Office of the Government, Chief information Officer
Spectrum Regulator: Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR)
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5