
Geographic Region (ITU/UN)

ISO 3166 Code


M49 Code




ITU Member


ITU-R Region


Germany (Deutschland), officially the Federal Republic of Germany, is a federal parliamentary republic in central-western Europe. Denmark borders the country to the north, Poland and the Czech Republic to the east, Austria to the southeast, Switzerland to the south-southwest, France, Luxembourg and Belgium lie to the west, and the Netherlands to the northwest.

Germany has an extremely advanced telecommunications industry, following liberalisation of the market in 1998 and strong focus on fixed broadband roll-out as part of the country's national ICT strategy. The country's Digital Agenda 2014-2017 saw all households connected with a minimum of 50 Mbps, with further advancement expected as part of Digital Strategy 2025. According to latest ITU data (June 2017) 3G mobile coverage reaches 96.2% of the population, and 4G LTE also accessible by 96.2% of Germans.

Germany is a member of the ITU and as such follows radio frequency harmonisation principles according to ITU-R Region-1. The regulatory body governing communications policy is the Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway, and the Bundesnetzagentur is charged with regulating the country's radio frequency spectrum activities such as planning, allocations, and licencing.