
Geographic Region (ITU/UN)

ISO 3166 Code


M49 Code




ITU Member


ITU-R Region


Australia, officially the Commonwealth of Australia, is a sovereign country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the islands of Tasmania, and numerous external territories including Ashmore and Cartier Islands; Australian Antarctic Territory, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Coral Sea Islands, Heard and McDonald Islands, Lord Howe Island, Macquarie Island, and Norfolk Island.

Australian Regulatory Environment

Australia is a member of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and as such follows radio frequency harmonisation principles according to ITU-R Region-3. The regulatory body governing communications policy is the Department of Communications and the Arts, and the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is charged with regulating the country's radio frequency spectrum activities such as planning, allocations, and licencing.

Mobile Telecommunications

According to latest ITU data (June 2017) mobile coverage reaches 98.8% of the population, and 4G LTE accessible by 98% of Australians. 

Australian 5G

Australian mobile network operators began testing 5G as early as 2016. The ACMA completed the auction of 5G spectrum from 3575 to 3700 MHz in November 2018, with four telecommunications companies participating, including all three of the major mobile network operators. All three MNOs have planned national 5G networks, with Telstra having launched a pre-commercial network in August 2018.

The ACMA is investigating the use of the n258 (26 GHz) 5G mmWave band, with close attention being paid to the potential for interference with existing satellite broadband services.