Ascension Island

Geographic Region (ITU/UN)

ISO 3166 Code




ITU Member


ITU-R Region


Ascension Island is an isolated volcanic island in the equatorial waters of the South Atlantic Ocean, around 1,600 kilometres from the coast of Africa and 2,250 kilometres from the coast of Brazil, which is roughly midway between the horn of South America and Africa. It is governed as part of the British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, of which the main island, Saint Helena, is around 1,300 kilometres to the southeast.

Ascension Island is not a member of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) however as an overseas territory falls under UK administration. Ascension Island follows radio frequency harmonisation principles according to ITU-R Region-1. The regulatory body governing communications policy is the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), and the Office of Communications - Ofcom is charged with regulating the region's radio frequency spectrum activities such as planning, allocations, and licencing.