
Algar Telecom plans to invest in 4G, launching the first city with 700 MHz in addition to Rio Verde (GO) and performing the refarming of the 1.8 GHz band to offer 4G. Like other operators (TIM, Claro and Vivo), tele intends to take advantage of the natural migration from GSM to 3G base, which helps to reuse the band for LTE. According to the director of operations and technology, Luiz Antônio A

SANTIAGO, May 17, 2016.- In the framework of World Telecommunication Day, Movistar Chile announced that from today it is available 4G LTE connectivity over the 700 MHz band in the Metropolitan Region, and in the coming days in the regions of Arica and Parinacota, Tarapacá and Magallanes and the Chilean Antarctic.

The government of Bolivia has assigned spectrum for the provision of LTE services to state-run telco Entel and Tigo. According to a document from telecoms watchdog ATT, the government awarded two blocs of spectrum in the 700 MHz band.

In late February, as Convergencialatina informed, the country surrendered 1900 MHz spectrum for mobile services, a fact that surprised the market due to the long wait of operators (since 1999 there was no tender in the country) and compliance -not everyone expected – of at least one part of the frequency allocation schedule.

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