Comoros Telecom launches 3G services

The management of Comores Telecom announced, yesterday in a press conference, the commercialization tomorrow of the network of the third generation (3G), ten years since the arrival of the mobile network in the Comoros. This conference, led by the CEO of the company, was intended, among other things, to present to the press the progress made so far by Comores Telecom. With 332,751 subscribers today in the mobile service, the national operator covers 40% of the population against 1% previously in the fixed telephony service.

According to Abiamri Mahamoud, 3G has required an investment amounting to four billion francs and will serve in particular to fill and satisfy subscribers' thirst for communication caused by the fact that 2G offered only limited possibilities in this same area. But for now, only a few cities and villages will benefit from this new technology, like Moroni, Mutsamudu, Mitsamihuli, Fumbuni, Hahaya, Ikoni, Wani, Djwayezi, Howani and Nyumashiwa, among others.

Other locations will have to wait at least another two years to see 3G. It should be noted that the rates vary between 500 to 37,500 francs for a duration of seven to one hundred and twenty days respectively and a capacity of 20 mega to 15 giga. Many opportunities, besides the high-speed Internet connection with mobile, will be offered with this marketing, including Mobil money a kind of electronic wallet to access banking data and make transactions.
