Countries & Nations

This section offers a comprehensive collection of market intelligence resources, encompassing individual countries, sovereign nations, illegally-occupied and disputed territories. Our database aims to provide an extensive overview of cellular mobile network operators from around the globe.

Each listing within the database presents an in-depth analysis of the mobile network operator, delving into the company's history, technology, frequencies, data speeds, and other pertinent details. This information serves as a foundation for understanding the telecommunications landscape in each respective region.

Searching the Database

Manually browsing the database of countries can be tedious. You may search using a country name, by country region, or by both.

Policy Maker:
Governatorato Secrétariat général
Spectrum Regulator:
Servizio delle Poste e del Telegrafo e il Servizio dei Telefoni
Policy Maker:
Ministerio del Poder Popular para Educación Universitaria, Ciencia y Tecnología (MPPEUCT)
Spectrum Regulator:
Comisión Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CONATEL)
Policy Maker:
Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC)
Spectrum Regulator:
Viet Nam Telecommunications Authority (VNTA)
Policy Maker:
Autorité de Régulation des Communications électroniques et des Postes (ARCEP)
Spectrum Regulator:
Agence Nationale des Fréquences (ANFR)
Policy Maker:
Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Spectrum Regulator:
Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Policy Maker:
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Spectrum Regulator:
Zambia Information & Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA)
Policy Maker:
Ministry of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services
Spectrum Regulator:
Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ)
Policy Maker:
Bureau Telecommunicatie & Post
Spectrum Regulator:
Agentschap Telecom
Policy Maker:
Directorate General for Energy, Telecommunications and Competition
Spectrum Regulator:
Radiocommunication Agency Netherlands
Policy Maker:
Directorate General for Energy, Telecommunications and Competition
Spectrum Regulator:
Radiocommunication Agency Netherlands
Policy Maker:
Spectrum Regulator:
Policy Maker:
Ministry of Information, Posts and Telecommunications
Spectrum Regulator:
Ministry of Information, Posts and Telecommunications
Policy Maker:
Ministry of Transport and Communications
Spectrum Regulator:
Norwegian Communications Authority (NKOM)
Policy Maker:
Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications
Spectrum Regulator:
Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA)